Health Tips for Truck Drivers

Staying healthy can be a challenge. However, making the effort to develop healthier habits can have a significant positive impact on your life. Truck drivers face unique concerns, but with some effort, it’s definitely possible for truckers to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Here are some health tips for life on the road as a trucker:

1. Prepare Meals Ahead of Time

If you have a mini-fridge in your semi-truck, try preparing healthy meals to take with you. You can make nutritious options at home instead of worrying about whether you’ll be able to find something that fits your diet goals at a truck stop. Plus, you’ll save money in the process.

2. Choose Healthier Options When You Eat Out

Even if you are able to prepare some meals before you hit the road, there will definitely be times when it’s easier to just grab something at a truck stop. Luckily, more and more truck stops have healthy options available.

Keep in mind that making a healthier choice doesn’t mean you have to give up your favorite foods. For example, being mindful of your portion sizes can reduce the calories you consume without feeling too restrictive. This is also more sustainable than changing your whole diet overnight.

3. Drink More Water

Staying hydrated is essential for your health, and it can also help you feel more alert while driving. Keep water with you in your cab and sip on it throughout the day. You should also choose water instead of sugary drinks or coffee as often as you are able to. While other drinks are fine in moderation, they can be high in calories and may also lead to an energy crash later.

4. Find Time for Exercise

Truckers spend most of their time behind the wheel. Even though you’re technically moving all day, it’s a sedentary job for the most part. To help stay active, schedule 15 minutes every day for exercise. This can be as simple as a brisk walk around a truck stop (with your pet, if you have one) or some push-ups in your cab. When you can, try to exercise for a longer amount of time at once. Some truck stops even have gyms that you can use to make this easier.

5. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is essential for health and for truckers, it’s also essential for your safety. Fatigue can increase your chances of getting into an accident. To avoid this, make an effort to get a full eight hours of sleep every night (or every day, if you are driving at night). Having a routine you follow before bed can make this easier. You can also take naps during shorter breaks to help you stay well-rested.

6. Manage Your Stress

People often forget that health goes beyond just your physical state. Your mental wellbeing can have a profound impact on your life. In addition to focusing on making healthy physical choices, be sure to manage your stress levels. Find methods of relaxation that work for you and use these when you feel overwhelmed.

Earn Your CDL

If you are interested in a trucking career, the first step is earning your commercial driver’s license (CDL). Phoenix Truck Driving School can help you get started and you can complete our accelerated program in as little as four weeks.

To learn more about becoming a trucker, contact us today.